Thursday, July 22, 2010

The Three Things You Own

Your Momma never told you that you only truly own three things...your mind, body, and don't give them away.

I was watching the movie The Runaway Bride...a movie about a woman who conforms to thinking like the man she is currently dating. If he liked hiking...she did ...if he liked scrambled eggs...she did...if he got a tattoo...she did. In other words, her thoughts, wants, and desires were based solely on her man (at the time). After watching this movie...I got to thinking about how many women give up the three things they are given at birth...truly the only things they own...their mind, body, and spirit...willingly to a man.

I was reminded of a old friend I recently saw at a local mall. The last time I had spent any time with this woman, she was a vibrant, beautiful, and smart....however, on this day...she appeared withdrawn, sad, worn out, and controlled. It became clear after a few sentences, she had given her mind, body, and spirit over to the man she was dating. I tried to talk to her but her man was lurking in the background. She looked completely broken and desperate. All I could do scribble my number on a piece of paper and plead with her to call me.

Ladies...I know you know what I am talking about...we all know someone that gets so caught up in their man...they become isolated and lost. If they used to go to church, they stop...after all their man doesn't go...If they hate bowling...suddenly they are on a traveling bowling league...after all their man loves to bowl...if they had a lot of girlfriends...suddenly...they never see them...they are too busy with their man. Essentially, they become unrecognizable...a shell of the woman they were designed to be.

Ladies...let's wake up...keep control of your mind, body, and spirit. Don't give them over to anyone to control or manipulate. Hold on to your morals, values, beliefs, interests, friends, family, joys, etc. As a matter of fact, spend time each day feeding and nurturing your mind, body, and spirit....that keeps you strong. And ladies... if you see a girlfriend starting to hand the three things she owns to a sure to jump up and down and scream and shout...NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

Till Next Time Ladies

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