Friday, June 18, 2010

Beware of the Pot Belly Husband

Your Momma never told you that the fine slim man you married...would grow a pot belly within a few years.

That's right ladies...we are always hearing how we need to keep it together, loose the weight after having a baby, and age gracefully...but what about the men. We never hear much about them. Are they aging gracefully? I am not so sure.

My neighbor invited the girls and I over for a play date. My neighbor was an attractive slim woman. She had two children under the age of 4 at the time. She spent most of the time being a stay at home mom and a part time nurse. Her husband was fairly attractive except for the fact that he had a huge pot belly.

We got to talking about a number of things and somehow the conversation turned to her husband. She said...let me show you a picture of my husband when we first got married. She pulled out a picture of her along side a slim trim stunning fine man that I did not was her husband. I stared at the picture...shocked at the dramatic expansion of her husband. In a matter of a few years, this man went from no pot to a huge pot belly. I stumbled to find the right words..."He looks...different here" I stuttered. She finished my thought. He has gained so much weight I just don't know what to do.

I asked what had happened...and she told me that after they got married...he began to eat and sit on the couch. She said she had tried everything. Asked him to go for walks, fixed balance meals, hid or throughout all of the snacks...but it did not matter....he kept filling his pot belly....and it kept growing. He had got married and just let himself go. What was she to do?

Ladies... At first sign of a pot belly growing on your man, you need to speak up. Don't let your man let himself go after marriage. Do an immediate intervention. Tell your man you don't like pot bellies. You love him slim and trim. Do your part to encourage exercise by increasing the sexual activity, going for power walks, and encouraging weight training. Tell your man to participate in a sport with his friends. Put up full length mirrors in the home. Hang up old photos as reminders of being slim and trim...and here is the hard part can't have a pot belly either. You belly needs to be flat in order for the intervention to be taken seriously.

Till next time ladies.


  1. I find it interesting that in a previous post you stated:

    "Ladies, if you find yourself altering your appearance to please anyone...your man, your husband, your mother, your father...STOP. You have complete control over how you appear in the world. Dress, weigh, and wear your hair, the way you feel comfortable.

    Take time to develop and understand your style and appearance...embrace it...and whoever doesn't like...can kiss your ass!"

    This completely contradicts what you have stated in today's post. Sounds to me like your man was trying to send you the same message that you are telling your "followers." Did you like it when it was being done to you? Hmmmm....

  2. Anonymous...this site is pro women. So every post is meant to have a slant or bias towards women. The blog is meant to be light hearted and fun...and to get you thinking.

    Anonymous...Go to any grocery store and look at the magazines in the check out aisle. Find one relating to men keeping themselves won't find is all about women. My point is... why does society put pressure on women to keep it together...and men can do whatever they want? Men can getaway with a pot belly but women are viewed much differently when they have weight problems. Thanks for reading and keep posting.
