Monday, June 14, 2010

Don't Give Your Cookies to a Monster

Your Momma never told you...don't give your cookies to a monster. I have said before....some of these men out here are completely crazy. You have to be aware that they are out there and in disguise...therefore take your time when developing a relationship.

Take about six to twelve months to question, investigate, and meet friends and family...with intent on determining if your man is crazy. Once you give your cookies away to a will loose control of your jar...and next thing you know all of your cookies will be broken, crumbled, spit out, or gobbled up.

What are your cookies? Your body, your mind, your money, and your spirit. Ladies when you give your cookies to a monster....he will use you for your body, manipulate your mind, take your money, and break your spirit so quickly your head will spin. If you lucky, you will be able to recover from the dizziness, gather the crumbs, and move on. If not, you will never bake again....because you will have no ingredients.

Take your time ladies...think of dating as a fact finding mission...sure he is sexy...but can he count to ten. In other words, does he think logically? Does two plus two equal four in his mind?

Once you determine the man is sane, feel free to let him have access to your cookies...but ladies...always keep control of the jar.

Till Next Time Ladies

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